
The Museum of Military Models seeks to be helpful to reporters and journalists from Texas and around the world. Please review the following information about press contacts, press previews, and the museum’s photography policies.

Who to contact at the museum

Members of the news media who would like to receive more information and images, interview museum staff, or arrange a photo shoot inside the museum should contact the museum by the form below.

Representatives from other museums, book publishers, and scholarly journals who require high-resolution images of art in the Museum’s collection should request by the form below. Members of the news media should contact the museum by the form below.

Solicitations for advertising and other marketing inquiries should also use the form below.

Press Previews

Members of the news media who would like to receive more information and images, interview museum staff, arrange a photo shoot inside the museum, or receive media passes to an exhibition or event should contact the museum by the form below.

Photography at the museum

To protect our visitors and the models on view in the galleries, the Museum of Military Models restricts photography and filming intended for commercial, non-journalistic use. Photographers or camera crews not invited by the museum must first obtain permission to conduct any photo or video shoots in or on museum grounds. Advance notice of at least two weeks is suggested.

Contact us

If you have any questions on press contacts, press previews, and the museum’s photography policies, please contact us in the form below:

This page was last updated on September 1, 2023